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See why hundreds of companies choose My Taxi Ride (MTR) as their dispatch solution.

Dispatch solution

I've been a night time base owner since June 2020 ..This App is Awesome! 🙂 I especially love the text message that automatically gets sent out to the customers cell phones ..

Edgar Almanzar Connecticut

I have been using MTR Dispatch since 2010 and my business have grown 300% on the last 6 Months after AutoPilot and MTRnet was implemented.

Anthony Vaca Queens NY

Have been with MTR since the start. They have manage to save the business of every car service company in USA.

Dalmi Burgos Miami FL

“Call comes in, I just have to set their Pick-Up and Drop-Off. My MTR system automatically finds the nearest available driver, and that's it! Love how fast it is now, and the Map showing me everyone in real time”

Jessica Lindwood Bronx NY

“It has been life changing having all our NEMT appointments in the system being deployed automatically to our drivers. Tracking their routes through the app is priceless!”

Marcus Santini New York NY

“Even if I am home, I always wonder if I am missing something at the office. I can access the MTR Dispatch Platform from home now, making sure my business is always running smoothly”

Matt Fitzgerald Camdem NJ

Can't wait to start using MTR AutoPilot Nation-Wide

Roberto Rodriguez Bronx NY

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Passenger app

“Seriously, I was tired of no available drivers in my area when using my typical RideShare. Now, my local Cab company is always a click away, with no hesitation about their ETA. Its awesome”

Julie Schultz Miami FL

“It’s like a RideShare, but the drivers never fail to show”

Tristan Gains Orlando FL

“ Rush hour and I am the only one getting my ride without the battle of the RideShares. Also, I love that they are the same drives from my neighborhood Cab Company, always nice to see a friendly face on the way back home”

Rhonda Newton Miami FL

Driver app

“20 years with the company, and I refused to switch to those big RideShare Apps. And surprise, this one works just as good, but with our own fleet!”

Jackie Bowe California

“My phone now tells me with a map where to go, who to pick up, and where to drop them off. I mean, getting more trips and only having to check my App is kind of nuts, 5 starts for these guys”

Ronnie Whitmore Trenton NJ

“I was nervous about switching my lovely Dispatch crew for an App. And guess what, I drive more, earn better, and still have time to stop by the office and say Hey to everyone”

Paul Muller Bornx NY

You deserve dispatch made easy

See how my Taxi Ride (MTR) makes running your transport company simple and easy